Nacho Fundraiser ($5.00) will take place this Friday, January 17, 2025, to help a former teacher in need, Mrs. Lerna Ford, who was a 3rd grade teacher here at MI for 20 years! She retired in the school year 2008-2009. Her house was completely burned down, and she left with only the clothes on her back.
As a school community, let’s help this wonderful teacher who meant so much to many of us.
Let’s show our mighty Eagle spirit to all alumni and current students!
Please fill out the order form below and submit the money and form by
Thursday, January 16, 2025, for planning purposes – Thank you.
Friday, January 17, 2025 ($5.00 each order)
Student’s Name: _________________ Gr. ___ Nachos _____ Free Dress _____ Student’s Name: _________________ Gr. ___ Nachos _____ Free Dress _____ Student’s Name: _________________ Gr. ___ Nachos _____ Free Dress _____ Student’s Name: _________________ Gr. ___ Nachos _____ Free Dress _____